Russia, China to Develop Heavy-Lift Helicopter

RIA Novosti04.09.2015 Russia
Russia, China to Develop Heavy-Lift Helicopter

Russia, China to Develop Heavy-Lift Helicopter

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Russia and China will jointly create a brand new heavy-lift helicopter, the Russian Helicopters company Deputy CEO for sales, Grigory Kozlov, said.

According to the Russian Helicopters Deputy CEO, Russia and China will sign a contract on the joint development of a heavy-lift helicopter before the end of the year.

“We plan to create a helicopter from scratch, it will be a radically new aircraft despite the fact that some of the technologies of the existing Mi-26 heavy transport helicopter will be used in its creation,” Kozlov explained.

Kozlov added that the new helicopter was expected to be equipped with a PD-14 turbofan engine, manufactured in Russia.

In May, Russian Helicopters and the Aviation Industry Corporation of China inked a framework cooperation agreement to introduce an advanced heavy-lift helicopter with a payload capacity of 15 tons.

The Mi-26 Halo heavy transport helicopter, whose technologies will be used in the production of the new helicopter, is the world's best line production helicopter in terms of load capacity, according to Russian Helicopters.

Meanwhile, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu (photo) said military cooperation between Moscow and Beijing has a stabilizing impact on the international situation

Shoigu arrived in China on Tuesday to take part in events devoted to the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II and to meet with Chinese officials.

During negotiations with China's Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission Fan Changlong, Shoigu said that military cooperation is the basis on which bilateral relations between China and Russia have been built.

In 2015, Moscow and Beijing held a series of joint military drills and China also participated in the Army Games-2015 military contest held in Moscow in August.

“The consolidated position of our countries [Russia and China] has a stabilizing influence on the international situation,” Shoigu said.

He added that the two countries intend to develop ties between their Armed Forces and to ensure common security in their zone of responsibility.

Shoigu invited representatives of the Chinese military industry to take part in the International Military-Technical Forum Army-2016 to be held in the Moscow Region next year.

Source: RIA Novosti



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