Lebanon, France Sign 3 Military Cooperation Projects

Lebanese Army NNA26.02.2021 Lebanon
Lebanon, France Sign 3 Military Cooperation Projects

Lebanon, France Sign 3 Military Cooperation Projects

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Lebanese Army Commander, General Joseph Aoun, on Monday received at his Yarzeh office the French Ambassador to Lebanon, Anne Grillo, and the Embassy’s Military Attaché Colonel Fabrice Chapelle, on top of an accompanying delegation.

Three projects were signed in the fields of mountain combat, training and coordination and joint maritime rescue, Lebanon’s National News Agency (NNA) reported.

General Aoun and Ambassador Grillo held a meeting with members of the work team tasked with implementing an exercise on crisis management, at the Fouad Shehab Command and Staff College.

In his delivered word, the Army Chief hailed France’s support to the Lebanese Army to develop its capabilities, in terms of equipment and training, noting that the assistance provided by friendly armies reflects the appreciation and confidence in the performance of the military institution in the face of challenges.

He added that the projects that have been signed will have positive impact on developing the standard of military soldiers in many areas. 



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