Egyptian Minister of Military Production Hails Russia’s Participation in EDEX

Marina Lystseva/TASS Tass07.12.2018 Egypt
Egyptian Minister of Military Production Hails Russia’s Participation in EDEX

Egyptian Minister of Military Production Hails Russia’s Participation in EDEX

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Russia’s active participation in this week’s EDEX 2018 (Egypt Defense Expo) shows a high level of relations between both countries, Egyptian Minister of Military Production Mohamed Al Asar told TASS on the third and final day of the exhibition.

“Russia’s participation is in full accordance with the high level of our relations that have a strategic nature, are known to be privileged in the area of politics and in the relations between both countries’ governments. I am personally convinced that Russia’s presence at this exhibition fully reflects that,” he said.

“Our relations develop on a daily basis in all spheres, and I think we shouldn’t be talking now about any concrete achievements, about what happened and what will happen," the minister stated. However, I would like to repeat myself: we are constantly developing relations in the area of military production and military-technical cooperation,” the Minister stated.

The Egyptian official added that there exists a special Russian-Egyptian commission, which deals with issues of cooperation in military production between both countries.

The EDEX-2018 has become the first defense exhibition of its kind not only in Egypt, which holds a leading place in the purchase of armaments in the region, but also on the entire African continent. The arms show which was held on December 3-5 has brought together 373 Egyptian and foreign companies engaged in the manufacture and delivery of modern security and defense technologies and systems from 41 countries.

At the EDEX arms show, the Russian delegation demonstrated the products of 11 large domestic producers of military hardware and equipment for all military branches. Russia showcased a full-size copy of the Ka-52 reconnaissance and attack helicopter. The display stand of Russia’s state arms seller Rosoboronexport featured the mockups of Yak-130 combat trainers, Su-35 fighter jets, MiG-29M/M2 multirole frontline fighters, Mi-17, Mi-28NE, Mi-35, Mi-26 and Ansat helicopters.

Russia also demonstrated S-400 Triumf long-range air defense missile systems, Tor-M2E and Buk-M2E surface-to-air missile complexes, the Pantsyr-S1 air defense missile/gun system, and also Igla-S and Verba man-portable missile complexes.

The Russian pavilion also demonstrated the T-90MS main battle tank, the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle, the Terminator tank support combat vehicle, the BTR-82A armored personnel carrier, Khrizantema-S and Kornet-E anti-tank systems, in addition to small arms and close-in weapons. 



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