Russia to Become 1st Customer of New Mi-38 Multirole Helicopter

Sputnik23.05.2016 Russia
Russia to Become 1st Customer of New Mi-38 Multirole Helicopter

Russia to Become 1st Customer of New Mi-38 Multirole Helicopter

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Russia’s Defense Ministry will become the first costumer to purchase the Mil Mi-38 multirole helicopter, Russian Helicopters company said.

“The Russian Defense Ministry will become the first costumer to procure the new Mi-38 multirole helicopter designed at the Kazan Helicopters plant, which is a part of the Russian Helicopters company,” the company's press service said.

The parameters of inclusion of the helicopter in the next state armament program are currently being discussed, the company added. The new helicopter is expected to pass several flight tests to confirm compliance with the army’s requirements.

According to the company, the multirole helicopter can carry both cargo and passengers, and can be used in search-and-rescue missions and as flying hospital, as well as for offshore operations. The aircraft is designed to operate in a wide range of climates, including maritime, tropical and cold environments.

Russian Helicopters, a subsidiary of Oboronprom (part of Rostec corporation) is a global leader in the field of helicopter manufacture and the only developer and manufacturer of helicopters in Russia.

On 30 December 2015, the newest multi-purpose Mi-38 helicopter successfully completed testing. The Federal Air Transport Agency has issued a certificate of compliance with the requirements of the Mi-38 aircraft standards. This means that the helicopter will launch into production in 2016.

The new helicopter only looks like its precursor in its shape. The inside of the helicopter is an entirely new technological advancement of our time.

The cabin is fully glazed and instead of switch devices it has electronic monitors. The pilots call the cockpit a ‘computer’ and mechanical equipment has been left behind altogether.

The aerodynamic design saves fuel and allows the helicopter to rise up to three thousand meters within just six minutes. The Mi-38 already has several world records. This is the only helicopter in the world that is able to reach heights that were only possible to be reached by aircrafts before.

In 2005, the production plant called Mil received a proposal from European and US-Canadian companies to create a joint project. But the US State Department banned the supply of the engines that were needed.

Hence, the helicopter Mi-38 was a completely domestic development. However, this helicopter is several times cheaper than its foreign competitors.

The Mi-38 was originally developed as a civilian helicopter. But, according to engineers, it is almost 100% composed of domestic components, so in the future, the helicopter can be used in service of the Aerospace Forces of Russia.



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