Royal Saudi, Greek Air Forces to Hold ‘Eagle Eye 1’ Drills

Photo: SPA Saudi Press Agency (SPA)16.03.2021 Asia
Royal Saudi, Greek Air Forces to Hold ‘Eagle Eye 1’ Drills

Royal Saudi, Greek Air Forces to Hold ‘Eagle Eye 1’ Drills

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The aircraft of the Royal Saudi Air Force taking part in Eagle Eye 1 drill maneuvers, set to be carried out during this month, arrived with its full air, technical and backing up crews in Souda Airbase, at the Greek island of Crete on Saturday.

The Saudi Air Force and its Greek counterpart will conduct air sorties and joint exercises in the sky of the Mediterranean Sea.

The Air Force group was received by Saudi Ambassador in the Greek capital Dr. Saad Bin Abdulrahman Al-Ammar, Commander of the Air Force group taking part in the drill Colonel Pilot Abdulrahman Bin Saeed Al-Shihri and Military Liaison Officer at the Saudi Embassy in Athens Lt. Colonel Rashid Bin Abdulaziz Al-Oubudi, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.

The drill aims to polish and promote the skills of the air and technical crews, raise the combat readiness of our air force, in addition to exchanging the military experience in the field of carrying out and planning the air operations. 



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